Managing Quantity Sets





The demo version simulates the full web2print functionality of the paid program, with one exception: The only quantities available are 100, 200 and 300 for digital, and one, two and three for wide format, with the Quantity button permanently disabled. As you would expect, that limitation goes away in the paid Skypricer.





In the paid version, select Manage Skyprintstore from the main menu, then Edit Skystore Quantity Sets.



The 500 - 15,000 range of quantities at the bottom is probably a range few visitors to your store will be interested in. Let's change it.

First select the 500 - 15,000 Quantity Set in the right panel. Now replace the values in the left panel with 250, 500, 750, 1,000, 1,250, and 1,500.

Click Ok.



The modified Quantity Set will now be available when you create or update a Skyshelf Item.

This change will not affect existing skyshelf items. Each item has all of its quantities embedded - there's no live link between the skyshelf item and a quantity set. To apply the modified set you would have to update the item with the new range.


See also


Creating Sky Items